1980-90’s Etchings
Play Within Space
Etchings have a long history in the visual arts, having been invented in Europe in the early 1500s. It was preceded by engraving, where the metal plate (usually copper) was cut into directly using a tool called a burin.
Etchings also use a metal plate, but it’s much easier to cut the lines, as acid does the work of putting those lines into the usually copper plate .
As you can imagine, it is a slow process. First either cutting or adding a resin to the plate and then putting it in acid. The darks are a result of the depth of the “bite” in the plate from the time in the acid, as well as the degree of cutting directly into the plate.
sunrise passes we
transfixed as statues
is it the beauty
the awe
the transparency
often I suspect
innate human desire
to blend in
to whisp ourselves up
first with gratitude
then pleasant warmth
with time the chill sunset
sets into our flesh
our bones then darkness
a forlorn howl of a coyote
Such attention if placed
between each demarcation
this light and this darkness
rests the unity of
universal existence
Idee Fixe
Memento Mori
Spacial elements move back and up, least we forget who we are and what our place is in the universe!
The depth of power is compounded by the alluring web of control. In truth, this meeting may never end and the web becomes the chains that bind!
Still Life w/Pipe
Your Self
VCCA Full Moon