This series evolved from my imagination and interest in the vastness of our universe. Each year scientific exploration of our solar system and beyond reveals endless new information for us to process. Imagine our universe is currently estimated to be over 13 billion years old! That figure cannot even be contained in our small brains, let alone our relationship to it. As humans we are now living to 100 years, some many more, but trying to relate that to our earth and universe is impossible.
But we can see what is closest to us, and that is our nameless moon. During its various phases we feel its pulling or pushing and when full, the waves in our oceans leap up to touch it. The full moon assertively overwhelms the billions of stars above us and it lights the way for travelers, large and small. But it is the lunar eclipse that intoxictes us and creates endless color and imagination for us to revel in.. These seven paintings, completed in 2023, reflect a recent full moon that overwhelmed me and in the process led me to explore my feelings about the various phases of our moon.
This series is meant to be one continuous piece, with the seven images framed individually!